Capital Protected Series 1 (“Series 1”) offers 100% capital protection at Maturity with the potential to receive an Uncapped Performance Coupon at Maturity dependent on a 130% Internal Gearing Rate applied to the performance of the Macquarie MQCP900F Index adjusted for changes in the AUD/USD exchange rate during the Investment Term.
Capital Protected Series 2 (“Series 2”) offers 95% capital protection at Maturity with the potential to receive an Uncapped Performance Coupon at Maturity dependent on a 200% Internal Gearing Rate applied to the performance of the Macquarie MQCP900F Index adjusted for changes in the AUD/USD exchange rate during the Investment Term. The index performance for Series 2, multiplied by the Internal Gearing Rate and adjusted for changes AUD/USD exchange rate, needs to be at least +5% by maturity in order for investors to receive at least 100% return of capital at maturity.
A Summary of the key features:
The Index is comprised of a basket of diversified commodity carry strategies, incorporating 10 strategies across four risk premia factors. The Index utilises a static weighting scheme based on the inverse volatility of each factor to determine the weight of each component in the basket before applying a 5% volatility control mechanism.
The key features of the Index include:
The Macquarie MQCP900F Index is a fixed weight basket tracking the following underlying risk premia strategies.
The 5% volatility control mechanism is a technique which dynamically adjusts exposure to the underlying 10 strategies based on the prevailing level of volatility. This potentially provides investors with more stable performance and reduced drawdowns whilst enabling a lower cost of hedging for the Issuer thereby enabling a lower interest rate.
If the recent volatility of the underlying portfolio exceeds 5%, the target exposure will be less than 100%, and the residual weight will be uninvested. If the recent volatility of the underlying portfolio of strategies is below 5%, the target exposure to underlying portfolio of strategies will be more than 100%, subject to max. leverage level of 400%. The weightings listed above are applicable to the invested portion of the Index. The index also includes a fee of 2% p.a. which is deducted from the performance of the underlying 10 strategies, after applying the internal leverage inside the index (max 400%), when calculating the index returns.
More information on Capital Protected Series 1 and 2 can be obtained by downloading the IM.
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