Launch Series 65 – Dynamic Basket of Alternative Managers tracks an index offered by Goldman Sachs Asset Management which allocates across a basket of alternative asset managers. This index is managed by the Goldman Sachs Asset Management team and aims to offer attractive risk adjusted returns over the medium term with low to negative correlation with traditional asset classes such as equities. The investment is designed to be held for a three-year period, providing 100% leveraged exposure to the index over that time, with the potential to receive annual uncapped performance coupons dependent on the performance of the index.
The Index tracks a dynamic basket of alternative managers subject to a 5% volatility target with dynamic allocation services provided by the Alternative Investments & Manager Selection (AIMS) Group of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM). The current list of managers included within the basket including their weight allocations before application of the 5% volatility target is outlined in the table further below. The objective of this index is to leverage the hedge fund expertise of GSAM including the following:
More information on Launch Series 65 – Dynamic Basket of Alternative Managers can be obtained by downloading the PDS.
Investment Overview
Launch Series 65 – Dynamic Basket of Alternative Managers leverages the expertise of Goldman Sachs Asset Management to allocate across a selection of alternative asset managers with the intention of generating positive returns with low correlation to traditional asset classes.
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