Our Model
Sequoia Core Equities Portfolio:
The Core Equities portfolio is designed to give investors access to high quality, best of class ASX listed companies. The portfolio utilizes primary and third-party research to identify companies that have a forecasted future earnings growth in excess of the ASX200 whilst maximizing franked dividends.
Sequoia Primary
ETF Portfolio:
The Primary ETF Portfolio gives investors access to a broadly diversified portfolio of exchange traded funds spanning across International, Australian and Emerging Markets. The portfolio includes an allocation to key future trends to boost the growth potential of the portfolio.
Sequoia Focused Yield Portfolio
The Sequoia Focused Yield Portfolio aims to provide investors with a portfolio offering historically higher yield and lower volatility relative to the ASX200. This is comprised of a concentrated allocation of Exchange Traded Funds and Listed Investment Companies and spans across Equity, Debt and property.